Pooch and Mutt Adult Wet Dog Food with Chicken, Pumpkin and Pea 375g


Pooch and Mutt Adult Wet Dog Food with Chicken, Pumpkin and Pea 375g

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Pooch and Mutt Adult Wet Dog Food with Chicken, Pumpkin and Pea 375g £1.97
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Pooch and Mutt Adult Wet Dog Food with Chicken, Pumpkin and Pea 375g

Pooch and Mutt Adult Wet Dog Food with Chicken, Pumpkin and Pea 375g

About Pooch and Mutt
We know that a healthy mind is just as important as a healthy body. But should that thinking be limited to humans? Pooch and Mutt have created an enhanced series of natural meals, treats and supplements that does good and tastes good, to give your pet the optimal ingredients needed to boost their mood and behaviour, paw in paw with their physical health. And by delivering their knowledge in the clearest way possible, Pooch and Mutt give you the peace of mind you need to better support your pets.

About Pooch and Mutt Grain Free Adult Wet Dog Food with Chicken, Pumpkin and Pea 375g
Totally tasty deliciousness! Grain-free, junk-free complete wet dog food with fresh chicken, chunks of pumpkin, whole peas and carrots. Bursting with gently steam cooked fresh ingredients packed with nutrients that do good and taste good. This Chicken, Pumpkin and Pea wet food is naturally hypoallergenic, it is formulated with no added artificial flavours, colours, preservatives, with no grain, cereal, gluten, beef, soy, dairy and non-GM produce. Pooch & Mutt wet food is perfect for puppies and pooches! This wholesome recipe contains fresh meat and is bursting with natural, fibrous, fresh vegetables that are brimming with nutrient dense vitamins and minerals to keep your pup healthy and happy! This recipe contains all important prebiotics to help the good bacteria in the gut to thrive and aid healthy digestion!


  • Grain-free, junk-free complete wet food – So you have peace of mind that you’re doing the right thing for your pet
  • Hypoallergenic – To provide optimal health
  • Prebiotics – to help the good bacteria in the gut to thrive and aid healthy digestion

  • Suitable for
    Dogs over 8 weeks old.

    Not suitable for
    Puppies under 8 weeks.

    Approximate Dimensions
    H11 x W8.5 x D4.5cm

    Additional information

    Weight0.375 kg
    Dimensions11 × 8.5 × 4.5 cm


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